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About The Owner

Hello, I'm Alyse

My career in web development and design began in middle school where I first fell in love with coding. Then, as soon as Tumblr came around, I spent several years custom building websites for myself and my friends. This is how I discovered that I am both extremely creative and detail-oriented. While completing my BBA in college, I became passionate about entrepreneurship and helping people grow their businesses. This is when I discovered the thousands of tasks that go into starting, let alone growing, a small business.

I started Practical Site Design, because it combines everything I love doing with a real purpose behind doing it. A lot of the people I've talked to have had unfortunate experiences with other web developers. They're either too expensive, fail to respond once they get paid, or build a website that is outdated, if it's functional at all. I pride myself on offering websites that are affordable, beautiful, functional, optimized, and up-to-date.

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